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Home Ricerca Progetti finanziati La tradizione del testo letterario in area iberica nel secolo d’oro, tra varianti d’autore e redazioni plurime

La tradizione del testo letterario in area iberica nel secolo d’oro, tra varianti d’autore e redazioni plurime

Programma di finanziamento: PRIN 2017

Ente finanziatore: MUR

Responsabile scientifico: Andrea Bresadola

Ruolo UniMC: partner

Durata: 36 mesi


Italian Authorial philology, unlike the Critique génétique or the Editionswissenschaft, does not privilege the contemporary age – that however due to plenty of genesis materials presents a series of theoretical questions and specific techniques – since it assumes that, for the definition of its own object of study, the chronological factor remains in any case ancillary with respect to the typological one, due to the fact that it is necessary to distinguish above all, in any age, between the phenomenology of the copy and phenomenology of the originals (Avalle). Therefore, in the field of Italianistic studies we already have a great number of paradigmatic case studies inherent in the Ecdoctics of the originals and in the study of authorial variants of Medieval and Renaissance works: for instance the studies on the Petrarchan Codice degli abbozzi (Contini), on Ariosto’s Furioso (De Benedetti e Segre) or on Tasso’s Rime amorose (Isella).The Siglo de Oro offers an excellent laboratory both to observe how the different forms of authorial intervention take shape in various literary currents, both, indirectly, to outline complementary models for authorial variants connected on one side, to the writing genre and, on the other side, to the type of tradition studied: only of originals, only with apographs that however consent the delimitation of a “resticciolodi varianti che deve risalire all’autore stesso” (Pasquali), or hybrid traditions in which one or more originals are preserved but in the meantime we have to consider the apographs (as in the case of the Cánticoe spiritual by San Juan de la Cruz: the ms. S of Sanlúcar de Barrameda was annotated only partially by the mystic of Fontiveros who did not correct all the copy mistakes).The project aims at widely applying this methodology and its instruments, obviously combining it with other philologic methods, chosen according to the textual traditions that are being examined (Textualcriticism, Textual bibliography, etc.).Therefore exemplar cases will be studied within the three Golden Age macro-genres characterized by traditions rich in authorial variants (poetry, spiritual prose and theatre), in order to reconstruct the creativeand corrective dynamics, also considering the different elaboration and transmission circumstances. In parallel to (and sometimes as a result of) investigations of “criticism of the variants”, critical texts will beprepared too, supplied with a genetic and evolutive apparatus aimed at reconstructing and clarifying the redactional process of each work.