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Main research projects

This page contains a list of the main research projects that have been funded in the last years.

A list of projects and research activities with specific websites (in Italian) is available here.


  • ERASMUS+ KA220-HED 2023: ArchaeoPills - Face to face with practical archaeological training in higher education, prof. G. Baratta.
  • PRIN 2022: Truce as damage limitation in violent conflicts: language and practices of "treuga" in Medieval Italy (XII-XV centuries), prof. R. Lambertini.
  • PRIN 2022: EDiLe Digital Leopardian Letters: contribution to the CNSL’s author database, prof. L. Melosi.
  • PRIN 2022: For a history of syntactic theories towards the formation of the concept of the 'language' between metalanguage, grammarand history of european and extra-european ideas, prof. A. Bianchi.
  • PRIN 2022: What went wrong? A retrospective analysis of destination policies in overtouristed hotspots, prof. F. Paolini.
  • PRIN 2022: Gis-DIARIES of Gortyna. For an archaeological repository for the valorisation and study of Gortyna of Crete, prof. R. Perna.
  • PRIN 2022: UNITE – UNiversally Inclusive Technologies to practice English, prof. F. Raffi.
  • PRIN 2022: LITI - German Language in Italy: where we are and where we want to go, prof. A. Nardi.
  • PRIN 2022 PNRR: Make it Explicit: Documenting interpretations of literary fictions with conceptual formal models (MITE), prof. F. Paolini Paoletti.
  • Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento per le Politiche Antidroga: #LIFEADDICTED Never Drive when you are high”, prof. P. Nicolini.
  • HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01: JOPHIL: Re-orienting the foundations of 'new science': John Philoponus and the modern theories of space and void (1520-1604), prof. G. M. Giglioni (supervisor).
  • ERASMUS+ HA220-ADU 2022: H2L2: How to learn a language: Co-constructing Language Learning Strategies in Adult Literacy, prof. E. Cognigni.
  • PRIN 2020: Improvisation - Composition: the Double Identity of European Music, prof. V. Caporaletti.
  • H2020-MSCA-IF-2020: CLIMOVEPromising Images of Love. The Mediatisation of Values and Norms in Religious and Secular Wedding Narratives, prof. C. Danani (supervisor).
  • ERASMUS+ KA201 2020: PEAPL (European Platform for Personalized Learning of Languages), prof. E. Cognigni.
  • INTERREG V B – Adriatic Ionian - ADRION Programme 2018: TRANSFER - inTegRated mAnagemeNt modelS For archaEological paRks, prof. R. Perna (principal investigator).
  • ERASMUS+ KA201 2019: LEADER (Learning Diversity: a case study of refugee students in a primary school), prof. P. Nicolini.
  • PRIN 2017: Science, technology and international relations: case studies in Italian foreign policy, prof. F. Paolini.
  • PRIN 2017: The Manifest Image and The Scientific Image, prof. F. Orilia .
  • PRIN 2017: Rethinking urban-rural relations for a sustainable future: case studies of informal food value chains in Central Italy, prof. C. Pongetti.
  • PRIN 2017: Parts of speech meet rhetorics: searching for syntax in the continuity between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, prof. D. Poli (prof. A. Bianchi from 1.11.2020).
  • PRIN 2017: UniverS-Ita - The written Italian of University students: sociolinguistic background, typological tendencies, educational implications, prof. F. Chiusaroli.
  • PRIN 2017: Golden age literary text tradition in the Iberian area, between authorial variants and multiple redactions, prof. A. Bresadola.
  • FAMI (Ministero interno - call 2018): LA LINGUA ITALIANA PER L’INTEGRAZIONE E PER IL LAVORO. Percorsi linguistici di apprendimento dell’Italiano L2 nella Regione Marche, prof. E. Cognigni.
  • Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 / Fondo Europeo di sviluppo regionale (call 2017): IL GUSTO DEL VINO. Progettare una scienza dei gusti del vino, per elaborare e promuovere nuove schede di degustazione, prof. I. Bianchi.
  • PRIN 2015: False testimonianze. Copie, contraffazioni, manipolazioni e abusi del documento epigrafico antico, prof. S.M. Marengo.
  • Progetto Causal Relata, Mental Causation and Downward Causation (John Templeton Foundation / Durham University, 2014/15), dott. M. Paolini Paoletti (Principal Investigator).
  • PRIN 2012: Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Aspects, prof. F. Orilia.
  • PRIN 2012: Gregory of Nazianzus and the late antiquity Greek epigram, prof. R. Palla (national coordinator).
  • FIRB 2012: Oriente e Occidente nell’Umanesimo europeo: la biblioteca e le lettere di Francesco Filelfo (1398-1481), prof. S. Fiaschi (national coordinator).
  • LLP 2012 - Erasmus - Intensive Programmes (IP) - DEMOS EUROPE: DEMOcratic governance e Social responsability for a better and secure EUROPE, prof. P. Nicolini.
  • Giovani Ricercatori A.A. 2011/2012: Prospettiva storica dell'integrazione latinoamericana. Conflitto di modelli e correlazione con l'esperienza comunitaria europea, Università di Macerata - Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique latine (IHEAL) - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, prof. G. Carotenuto.
  • Research Fellowship della ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’, Università di Duisburg-Essen, 2011: Die Grenzen der Evolutionären Wissenschaftstheorie und das Problem des wissenschaftlichen und methodologischen Status der Biologie, prof. M. Buzzoni.
  • LLP 2011 - Grundtvig - IN PATH, INtelligent PATHways for a better inclusion, prof. P. Nicolini.
    Presentazione multimediale:
  • PRIN 2010-2011: Atlante della ragione europea: tra Oriente e Occidente, prof. F. Mignini.
  • PRIN 2010-2011: Colonies and municipia of Roman Italy in the digital era: between local history and general history. The contribution of the newstorage and epigraphic data management technologies to the study of cities, seen as the founding element of Roman civilization. prof. G. Paci.
  • PRIN 2010-2011: SCRIBE: Scritture brevi semplificazione linguistica, inclusione sociale: modelli e applicazioni, prof. D. Poli.