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Home Third Mission

The Department and the local community

The university is often thought of exclusively as the place for higher education and research, a view that overlooks another vital function: the so-called Third Mission. In fact, one of the primary aims of the university is to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the society in which it operates by implementing, enhancing, disseminating and utilizing knowledge through a direct relationship with the territory and with all its actors (see Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions).

It is not a coincidence that ANVUR (the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System) has included the third mission among the factors on which its evaluation process is based, publishing a specific handbook in this regard. Among the notable elements applicable to a Humanities University such as Macerata are: spin-offs, outsourcing, public engagement, activities related to cultural heritage (such as archaeological excavations, museums etc.), life-long learning.

This section presents the main activities of the Department regarding the third mission.