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Home Research Conferences Italian ‘Pluriverso’ Presentation and Topics

Presentation and Topics

Italian ‘Pluriverso’:
Linguistic-cultural crossroads and migration patterns in the Italian Language

The coexistence of languages, cultures, traditions and knowledge characterizes modern societies, called to confront the phenomenon of migration, diversity and otherness on a large scale that questions established attitudes. Recent migratory flows from and to Italy, create complex problems on social, cultural and linguistic levels impacting daily life and its educational contexts, and in the process often alienates individuals and collective identities. In Italy, like in many other countries, national languages are increasingly becoming the vehicle of citizenship and of the (re)construction of identities of new citizens, based on a multiple identity that is in constant transformation.

Besides language education, these issues are reflected in social, cultural and literary areas, where a new complexity arises. The activity of migrant writers and authors is emblematic as they move to Italy. Coming from different places or leaving the country to move abroad, they write in Italian, renewing as they adapt to the cultural, linguistic and literary heritage within and across national borders. Through migratory flows and the linguistic-cultural contact arising from them, we can experience the
outline of new adaptable spaces, fertile ground for the definition of new identities, in and through the Italian language and culture.

In this context, the conference aims to become a place for international dialogue among scholars of different disciplines, whose work is often related in topics concerning the connection between language-culture, identity and migration patterns in the Italian language, according to a dual perspective that takes Italy as viewpoint:

- a local component, concerning migration to Italy;

- a global component, on the migration of Italians abroad.

This conference represents an occasion for an exchange of views and an opportunity for the creation of syncretism, both in terms of international scientific research and in terms of linguistic-educational practices and guidelines related to the Italian language as emigration / immigration language. For this aim, priority will be given to literature, language teaching, sociolinguistic and sociological studies, with particular regards to the XX and XXI centuries.


  • Italian as emigration / immigration language
  • Connections and linguistic areas of the Italian language
  • Comparison of experiences and migrant writings in Italian Language
  • Italian language teaching in multilingual and migration environment
  • Marche spirit “Marchigianità” and Italian spirit “Italianità” abroad
  • Plurality of identity and citizenship
  • Journeys among language, migration and identity
  • Transmission of languages and cultures of origin through generations
  • Migratory flows and educational language policies for the Italian language

Invited speakers
Maria Luisa Caldognetto, Universität Trier
Marina Camboni, Università di Macerata
Antonella Cancellier, Università di Padova
Marina Chini, Università di Pavia
Fred Gardaphé, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Aline Gohard-Radenkovic, Université de Fribourg
Danielle Lévy,  Dorif-Università / Transit-lingua associations
Alfredo Luzi, Università di Macerata
Fulvio Pezzarossa, Università di Bologna
Elena Pîrvu, Universitatea din Craiova
Massimo Vedovelli, Università per Stranieri di Siena

We expect the attendance of various migrant writers and scholars of migration of different subject areas.

Languages of the conference
Italian, English, French, Spanish.
Presentations conducted in French, English or Spanish must be supported by an Italian slide presentation.

Call for papers
Paper proposals (maximum length of 300 words, excluding title and bibliography) can be written in one of the four languages of the conference, stating aims, methodology and key findings of the research.
NEW! The deadline has been postponed to 4th September 2015.
Please forward any proposals and any questions regarding the conference to the following email address: