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On the move: sites of change, states of insecurity

AIA Seminar 2018

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dal 17/05/2018 al 19/05/2018
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The University of Macerata is proud to host the 2018 seminar of AIA - Associazione Italiana di Anglistica

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The seminar will take place on 17-19 May 2018 and will focus on the themes of displacement and movement.

Travel, discovery, exile, exodus, diaspora, migration, desertion, banishment, imprisonment, eviction, discovery, dislocation, escape: the forms of displacement with which literary (and non-literary) texts engage are manifold. The notion of ‘movement’ is one of the oldest and most enduring literary preoccupations. From the quest narratives of the ancient world, to twenty-first-century imaginative explorations of mobility, displacement (broadly defined) and its correlates have retained a prominent place in the interrelated histories of literary themes and genres, cultural formations and linguistic innovations.

The seminar will include plenary and invited talks by speakers from the international and national research community, as well as selected short presentations by early career scholars.

The call for papers is now open: download the cfp here. Deadline: 15 March 2018.

For more details go to the Seminar webpage.